Last updated: 03 October 2013

This page has always been dedicated to the meanings of the Lenormand cards as I use them. I have decided to update the page to include the two sets of meanings I have used over time. Both sets are fairly similar, as the Lenormand “schools” or traditions are not all that different. Just like people. 🙂

The first set is what I like to call “German traditional.” If you are familiar with the Treppner course or Chanah’s blog, you will recognize these. Standouts are that Anchor is the work card, Whip is a card of discussion, Lily includes sexuality and Snake may be a neutral woman card.

The second set if what people tend to call “French modern.” If you are familiar with Sylvie Steinbach and her Secrets of the Lenormand Oracle book, you will recognize these. Here the work cards are Fox and Fish, Whip is a card for sports and sexuality, and the Snake is big trouble.

If you are new to the Lenormand, I recommend you pick one or the other and stick with it. This is not meant for mixing and matching; that will lead to muddled readings. I can say this from my own experience, as well as that of many respected and experienced teachers/readers. So please, see which list resonates more and stick with it.

Consider this a start with the core meanings that I apply to the 36 Lenormand cards. I will update this page over time as I further decide how these cards speak to me.

German Traditional – Lenormand Meanings

01 The Rider: a message, news, something or someone incoming.

02 The Clover: good luck, small luck. An opportunity. Can indicate happiness.

03 The Ship: travel, distance, trade or commerce. Can show leaving something behind.

04 The House: home, family, property.

05 The Tree: health, deep rooted, long-standing (can be intertia or boredom), karmic (but positive).

06 The Clouds: confusion, anxiety, lack of clarity.

07 The Snake: a woman; intelligence, detour, backstabbing. Context is important.

08 The Coffin: illness or ending. (First in pair, I tend to see illness; second in pair, end).

09 The Flowers (Bouquet): gift, surprise, invitation. A very positive card.

10 The Scythe: danger, pain, sudden, severing or cutting. Can be a tool.

11 The Rod (Whip): discussion, arguments, strife. Can be a writing tool, or related to verbal communication.

12 The Birds (Owls): Meetings, a phone call, gossip, a couple. Anxiety like a flitting bird.

13 The Child: child, new beginning.

14 The Fox: wrong, deception, deceit. Crafty person. Sometimes work, where cunning is needed. Context matters, and I tend to read it depending on surrounding negative or positive cards.

15 The Bear: Man, person in authority; courage, strength, fortitude. Could represent a large income.

16 The Stars: hopes, dreams, spirituality or esotericism; positive, maybe successful; beware head in the clouds.

17 The Stork: Change, movement, birth. Usually a change for the better.

18 The Dog: A man. Friend, partner, companion. Loyalty, trustworthy.

19 The Tower: A large building. Government, authorities, school. Isolation, being alone.

20 The Park: public places, the public, meeting, party, social gatherings.

21 The Mountain: obstacles and delays; blockage. Can be a “shield” between two cards. Standing alone; remote.

22 The Crossroads (Roads, Ways): decision is needed; at a point of indecision. Multiple (usually two).

23 The Rat: loss, theft, illness. An “eating away at” someone or something.

24 The Heart: love, emotions, feelings.

25 The Ring: marriage, commitment, contract and partnership.

26 The Book: secrets, the unknown; books and written documents; education, training.

27 The Letter: written communication (letter, email, text message), newspaper, paper-like documents (such as a diploma or will). Could be news.

28 The Lord (Man): The male consultant; male significant other for a woman; important male in the querent’s life.

29 The Lady (Woman): The female consultant; female significant other for a man; important female in the querent’s life.

30 The Lily: sexuality, family, maturity, the “zen factor”; a catch-all card in German tradition.

31 The Sun: Victory, success, masculinity, energy, warmth, day time

32 The Moon: Emotion, intuition, femininity, dreams, imagination, night time, artistic talent, fame and recognition.

33 The Key: the “yes card” of the deck. Destiny, solution, success. Meant to be.

34 The Fish: money, cash flow, the financial or economic significator. Water. Drinking.

35 The Anchor: work, one’s job. Stability and security.

36 The Cross: Pain, grief, a burden. One’s “cross to bear.” The sense of destined or karmic; suffering that is inevitable or must be. Not a happy card.

French Modern – Lenormand Meanings

01 The Rider: a message, news, something incoming.

02 The Clover: good luck, an opportunity. Second chance.

03 The Ship: travel, distance, trade or commerce.

04 The House: home, family, property.

05 The Tree: health, deep rooted, karmic (but positive), spiritual.

06 The Clouds: confusion, lack of clarity.

07 The Snake: Big problems (as opposed to the Mice). Trouble that is seen, obvious or out in the open.

08 The Coffin: Ending, transformation.

09 The Flowers (Bouquet): A very positive card. Happiness, beauty.

10 The Scythe: Decisive, decisions, sudden, cutting. Can be a tool.

11 The Rod (Whip): sexuality, arguments, passion, recurring, physical activity.

12 The Birds (Owls): Verbal communication, a couple.

13 The Child: child, something small. Childlike or naive.

14 The Fox: Job, work, sneakiness.

15 The Bear: Money, food, nutrition, person in authority,  strength.

16 The Stars: hopes, dreams, directions, possible success. Being “a star” in a field of expertise.

17 The Stork: Change, movement, birth. Usually a change for the better.

18 The Dog: Friend, partner, companion. Someone known. Loyalty, trustworthy.

19 The Tower: A large building. Government, authorities, school. Isolation, being alone. Arrogance.

20 The Park: public places, the public, meeting, party, social gatherings.

21 The Mountain: Delays of a lengthy nature. Standing alone; remote.

22 The Crossroads (Roads): decision is needed; at a point of indecision or a crossroad in life. Multiples. Two or maybe more.

23 The Rat: Small problems, stress, anxiety, excitement. Industriousness. An “eating away at” someone or something.

24 The Heart: love, emotions, feelings.

25 The Ring: marriage, commitment, contract and partnership. Payments, solutions.

26 The Book: secrets, the unknown; books and written documents; education, training.

27 The Letter: written communication (letter, email, text message), newspaper, paper-like documents (such as a diploma or will).

28 The Man: The male consultant; male significant other; a male figure.

29 The Lady (Woman): The female consultant; female significant other; a female figure.

30 The Lily: The “zen factor”. Peacefulness, age, longevity.

31 The Sun: Victory, success, masculinity, energy, warmth, day time, electricity. Ego (think Leo).

32 The Moon: Emotion, intuition, femininity, dreams, imagination, night time, artistic talent, fame and recognition. The arts. Psychism.

33 The Key: the “yes card” of the deck. Meant to be. Karmic inevitability. Positive solution.

34 The Fish: Business. Independence.

35 The Anchor: Stability and security. Something anchored, old. Suggests a solution, one that can be arrived at with perseverance.

36 The Cross: Pain, grief, a burden. Sadness and depression. One’s “cross to bear.” Often not a happy card. Religous; religion.